As I
mentioned before, I wanted to present some memorable and/or instructive positions from Joe Gallagher's excellent
Play the King's Indian. This time, no directive clues...
I'll post the continuation in a few days.
White to play:
ADDED 1/29/09 - Now that there are comments I recommend you decide on your move before you read them.
Material is level. White has doubled g-pawns. There are weak pawns at d6 and e4. White has a lead in development, but his minor pieces have little scope (knight has no outpost; bishop is bad). Black has the e5 square for his knight, and his bishop can go to g4. If White lets this happen, he is probably worse. So, something radical may be called for. On that basis, what about 1.e4-e5. If the rook retreats, then White wins d6. If 1...d6xe5, then White has gained e4 for his knight (while denying e5 to the opposing knight), and he could follow up with c4-c5, Bc4(+) and Nd6, which would be more than enough for a pawn. This relinquishes f5 to the enemy bishop, but that seems livable. That leaves 1...Nxe5 2.Ne4 R moves 3.Nxd6. Again, White might continue with c4-c5 and Bc4(+), which adds up to a clear plus, perhaps winning.
h6!! and White can safely resign.
Oh, wait, it's White's turn, right...
I'd have played c5, but seems inferior to the above commenter. Envisioning something like:
1. c5 dxc5
2. Bc4+ K-moves
3. e5
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