Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Another Reno Chess Club Blogger!

Kevin Gafni, an up-and-coming player with a pleasing style, has entered the chess blogging universe with drunknknite. That makes five of our Reno Chess Club members who are blogging; I don't know what the leading chess blogging club in the U.S. or the World might be, but whoever it is watch out because we will catch and pass you!

Kevin has played several riveting games that I've seen parts of (while strolling between moves from my board) and I look forward to seeing some of his efforts on the blog.


Unknown said...

Hi Robert, yeah I was shocked a little by that. Kevin strolled over into the "Pale Rider" zone today. That was cool though. I'm expecting Fleming and Clifford at any moment and then we'll have seven--"The Magnificent Seven!"

Robert Pearson said...

That would fit in well with your blogging theme, though Clint Eastwood wasn't in it, but it was a great movie!

transformation said...

said with a German accent, or like Michael Lewis book, Liars Poker, 'Zee Bonds, Zee Bonds!' about his years at Goldman Sachs,

and wrote a great book on baseball, called Money Ball. A very dear friend here, who is a true professional writer, one of those guys who can type an article or take notes while on the phone with an interviewee... had the misfortune to write the book on business and baseball and finished it a month before prior published with justly great fanfare, so got no offers. but many great articles by him in InfoWorld and InformationWeek...

so here Robert:

"Zee Plan, your zee plan Robert, ve mush have zee to see your zee schach plan, ya mit DK not a nervious und ziet breakdown, ya unda de missing zee Roberts ya planze?"

J said...

this is um thing interesting. i never gone thru such nice chess blogs in the bloggers.