Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Suzyq Where Are You?

Someone who signed themselves "suzyq" (looks like a brand new Blogger account) commented yesterday on my post of last March looking for information on Ron Thacker, my one-time roommate who played Bobby Fischer in the 1957 U.S. Junior Ch. (see the whole fascinating saga here).

I read your article and was amazed. Ron has been a friend of mine since around 84. I believe I have his address and phone number, (he was still in Vegas)if he is still living. He has a serious heart condition which has put him on a disability. Yes, he was a very smart guy. I didn't realize it for a long time. I often didn't believe things he told me until years passed and they were proven to be true. I think I actually met you years ago in Reno, also. Very interesting. I doubt he copied any moves from anyone. He is truly an original.

Thanks very much, suzyq, for the info--if you read this, can you send me the contact info that you mention? It would make a very satisfactory conclusion to my search if I could either track him down, or even close the loop by verifying that he's passed on.


Polly said...

A very interesting post. I always wondered what happened to certain people that I met on my chess journey. The internet makes it possible that we can perhaps reconnect with folks from our past. I await the results of this inquiry.

transformation said...



one time, in 1988, i was dressing for work, tieing my tie, and there, on good morning america (before the Seoul Olympics in Korea) on the CBS or ABC Network--still not sure how it works--is an american monk i traveled all over Korea with, and he is in a very remote place, high up on a steep mountain, just like the fantasy fo monks in the movies and i had been to the room as a visiter in 1982.

we all have these stories, nice when our friends have them, too...

warmest, dk