Tuesday, December 05, 2006

AGCB (Another Good Chess Blog)

There are hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of worthwhile chess blogs out there and I've only put up links to few of them so far, so I'll be making an effort to add regularly under the label AGCB (Another Good Chess Blog).

Today's entry is Dread Pirate Josh, a fun, down-to-earth chess blog with some of the author's games, a little humor, etc. Also, he linked to me, always a sign of good taste.

Here is one of his best games.

Recommended under "Chess for fun."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words! I do have a tendancy to not update as much as I use to though.

If you don't use it, you may want to try bloglines.com, or something similar, to keep up to date with all the chess blogs, its pretty good (and free).