Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Thousands of Tactical Positions

Not much time to blog today, so I'll just point you to this page with many-thousand positions in .zip files that you can download and solve at your leisure.

(Courstesy Qxh7#)

Friday, December 15, 2006

A Great Computer Game

Via the always outstanding and useful Kenilworthian here's Shredder-Rybka, from June of this year, wherein Shredder gets shredded in fine fashion. I must say, though, that the annotation on Black's 27th move is a little over the top ("A fantastic move! Instead of taking the queen (which would win too), Black leaves his own rook under the queen's threat. But actually, White is helpless." - Deviatkin). After looking at the position for a few minutes I was able to work out the variations, which aren't really that long. In a tournament game, I probably would have taken the Queen, I'll admit.

Overall, it's an excellent game and if it had been played by Tal, Fischer or Kasparov it would probably have made it into their 'best games' books.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Short Personal Report

Contrary to my hopeful posts of several weeks ago, personal and professional circumstances haven't allowed to me to resume regular Thursday tournament chess as planned, and may not until the February Reno CC class championships.

I have, however, been able to follow up with some study of my own games using the Wetzell Method and have identified the first three positions to use for the collection of Images (as he calls them) that I will be reviewing regularly as part of the program in Chess Master...at any age.

So, ad astra per aspera!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New Opening Studies

A few of the guys at the Reno Chess Club are now getting together on Sunday evenings to study openings from the book The Chess Advantage in Black and White by IM Larry Kaufman. I'm going to be joining them--I wondered if any of my readers had any experience with this book and could add to the reviews I read over at Amazon.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Homer Nods (III)

I wanted to try out Chess Publisher and also show another heartwarming example of a great player making us little fish feel better. In this case, there's no one-move blunder that drops a piece, but the memory of a sitting World Champion losing a minature in the Exchange Slav might give us a little comfort next time we lose...here is Portisch-Petrosian, Moscow 1967.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

You Tricky Pawn Endings!

Here's a very tricky pawn ending, with White to play. What's the best move? (I'm not gonna say win, lose or draw--that would be too easy!).

(From Garcia-Quinteros, Moscow 1982, courtesy of Chessgames.com, who I've been remiss in not linking on the sidebar. Until now).

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

AGCB (Another Good Chess Blog)

There are hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of worthwhile chess blogs out there and I've only put up links to few of them so far, so I'll be making an effort to add regularly under the label AGCB (Another Good Chess Blog).

Today's entry is Dread Pirate Josh, a fun, down-to-earth chess blog with some of the author's games, a little humor, etc. Also, he linked to me, always a sign of good taste.

Here is one of his best games.

Recommended under "Chess for fun."