UPDATED 01/05/09 with correction and additional material)
I've written
previously about Jonathon Rowson's book
Chess for Zebras, and one of the things that I recall him stating there is something like, "All positions are either won for White, won for Black or drawn." While this may seem like the merest tautology, his point is that, objectively,
there is really no such thing in a chess game as being "better."And yet, and yet...all of us feel like we're better, or worse, or have an "edge," or a "pull," etc. all the time. This is because we're human beings, we're never fully objective about our positions, and as Rowson also notes and explores, our feelings and emotions affect our decisions continuously.
Here's a position that I think illustrates what being "better" is all about, from Joe Gallagher's excellent book
Play the King's Indian:

A superficial look might lead one to think that White has the advantage because of Black's weak pawns, but as Gallagher writes: "The white knights are passive and it is much easier for Black to improve his position than White. For example, he can move his queen to e7 or e6, double rooks on the f-file, advance his h-pawn, activate his bishop on g7 and bring his knight on a6 to the tasty outposts in the centre and on the kingside. White, meanwhile, has no easy plan."
Seven moves later, after 24. Rd7, (
NOTE: 01/05/08 - diagram fixed):
Gallagher missed 24. ...Re8!, playing instead
Bxc5+? when he says that 25. Nbxc5! Nxc5 26. b3 Qc1+ 27. Rd1 Qc2 28. Rf1! "leads to a roughly level game." But after
25. Naxc5? he went on to win (0-1, 36).
(In the comments,
tanc says
25. Naxc5 Nxc5 If 26. Nxc5 Qxc5+. If not Black threatens to knock out the central pawn with 27.... Nxe4 or Qxe4. Position to me looks very unclear and appears equal. The problem is, I originally had the diagram wrong [Black K at h8. Sorry, tanc!]). In the real game position, Black had
26. ...Rf8! ("the point"):

with a won game (
27. Qd1 Qxc5+ 28. Kh1 Qc2!).
One more line worth looking at, not easy for us class players to see all the way through, is the one Gallagher gives after his suggestion 24. Re8! in the second diagram above: 25. Qg4 Qxa4 26. Qe6+ Kf8 27. Qxe5...

Now, find the
killah for Black!
Play the King's Indian is one of the few chess books I have on my shelf right now; the rest are in storage until May. I will be posting some other intriguing positions from it as time permits.