At the bottom of the last post, I gave a position and asked if anyone could find the "killah" for Black, and nobody, but
nobody rose to the bait...since I liked it so much, here it is again. Come on people, you know you love this stuff:
Black to play:
What Chesstiger said.
My eye was first drawn to Bxc5+ with discovered on the Q but Nxc5 is fine for white (both Q's are then under attack). So eliminate the knight. And, with Qxb3, the Q on b3 is ok after both Qh8+ and Qf4+ so the white Q can't easily sidestep the threatened discovered attack.
Looks as if others beat me to the task. All that remains to say is that from b3 the Black queen also can get to g8, so White's Qh8 no longer has the sting that had been there.
Yes, Qxg3! is so neat because it holds the discovery on the white queen in reserve, takes a piece and puts the black queen on a diagonal to interpose on White's queen checks. Lovely!
I love problems with tempting moves that turn out to be wrong. Someone should make a whole book of those problems it'd be fun.
::sigh:: I saw 1...Bxc5+ 2.Nxc5 Rxe5 3.Nxa4 Rxe4 4.Nc3 Nxc5 with 3 pawns for the piece. Then I played it out on a board and noticed you can't capture on c5 twice.
I also briefly considered 1...Nxc5 and ...Qd1+, ...Qd4+ in some lines. Then I got tired and stopped w/o considering the "less likely" ...Qxa2, ...Qxb3, and ...Qxe4. Sigh, my calculation needs work!
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