Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Derek Slater is BACK! And (Perhaps) Me Too...

At Reassembler:

I think I will blog again here, and see what happens. Many an excellent conversation in the comments in years (strangely) gone by.
Almost exactly two years since i last posted.
It took us a long time to buy a house in California, and I changed not only jobs but professions—sort of. I’m sure I’ll belabor that point later.

Most of this applies to me, too, almost exactly. Amazing, perhaps we were separated at birth? Except his peak rating was 2150 and mine was 1825. If chess ability is around 50 percent genetic, as with so many other qualities and abilities, I guess that's within a reasonable range.

This almost has the feel of "Let's get the band back together!"

More to come...


Anonymous said...

Such disruption! Interested to hear the story. You're still in East Russia?

Robert Pearson said...

That's East Prussia! Though all these Polish people around here keep calling it something else.

Liquid Egg Product said...

Holy moley. This is going to be awesome!

You're really in East Prussia? Dang...you're getting around.

Robert Pearson said...

Ok, truthfully I'm still in East Russia AKA Alaska. The Russkis seem to be looking at us like they'd like to take us back, but they'll have to fight a bunch of crazed, armed Alaskans if they want it.

Anonymous said...


My peak rating was 2173!!!

I didn't go to grad school all those years just to be called a 2150! Yeesh!


Robert Pearson said...

My apologies, sir! Let the record show that Mr. Slater's peak rating was 2173--not a penny less.

I believe that the esteemed Slater also once wrote in comment that "Experts are fish!" but I assume that was intended irony...

Look at these Farm Service said...

Excellent – nice to hear from you! Looks like you are on a Slater-style (or Kaden-style) hiatus from rated play.